

Contemporary Myanmar: Its Current State, Potential Support, and Intercultural Citizenship Education in Japan

Saturday June 10, 2023, 15:30-17:30

場所:法政大学市ヶ谷キャンパス 大内山校舎702教室 (Y702) or オンライン(Zoom)
Ohuchiyama 702 (Y702), Hosei Uni. Ichigaya Campus or Zoom (see below for links and details)

講演1:「ミャンマーで出会った人たちと支援」(亀山 仁氏)




"People I met in Myanmar and their support" by Mr. Hitoshi Kameyama.

Hitoshi Kameyama is the Director of Myanmar Festival Institute and a member of an NPO, Myanmar International Support Organization. He has been visiting Myanmar for the past 18 years since 2005 to photograph the local people, their lifestyle, and the local climate. For the past several years, he has been visiting the Tiddim Road in Chin State (one of the Bleached Bones Avenues) to create works on the theme of the relationship between Japan and Myanmar. He holds photo exhibitions primarily in Japan, to showcase the original, peaceful "daily life in Myanmar. Since the coup by the Myanmar military in February 2021, he has been supporting Burmese people with his colleagues in order to help achieve the society that they wish to realize.


一般社団法人ミャンマー祭り理事、NPO法人ミャンマー国際支援機構会員。2005年よりミャンマーを訪れ現地の人たちやその暮らし、風土を撮影。数年前からは日本とミャンマーの関係をテーマにチン州のティディム街道(白骨街道のひとつ)を訪れ作品作りを続けている。主に国内で本来の穏やかな「ミャンマーの日常」を伝える写真展を開催。冬青社よりミャンマーの写真集「Thanaka」,「Myanmar 2005-2017」を出版。2021年2月、ミャンマー軍によるクーデター発生以降はミャンマーの人たちの望む社会の実現に向けて仲間と共に応援を続けている。



200810月 「水の回廊」 エプサイトギャラリー


201512月「Thanak II」ギャラリー冬青


20208 Tedim Road」ギャラリー冬青

20216 「日常のミャンマー」ギャラリーPlaceM

20217 「日常のミャンマー」伊丹市ことば蔵ギャラリー

202111 「ミャンマーの日常と非日常」ギャラリーPlaceM Yokohama

20224 「日常のミャンマー2」ギャラリー冬青

20225 「ミャンマーの人々と戦禍の記憶」ポートレートギャラリー

20232 「日常のミャンマー3」ギャラリー冬青




20216 写真展「日常のミャンマー」ギャラリーPlaceM

20217 写真展「日常のミャンマー」伊丹市ことば蔵ギャラリー

20226 写真展 「ミャンマーの今を知る」早稲田奉仕園スコットホールギャラリー



20137 写真集「Thanaka」冬青社より出版(日本図書館協会推薦図書)

20181 写真集「Myanmar 2005-2017」冬青社より出版

参加費無料・事前申し込み要 Free-of-Charge, Registration Reqired

申し込みは Registration こちらから  


Lecture2:”Empowering Language Learners to Become Agents of Change: Integrating Global Issues and Activism in Language Education”

「語学学習者を変革のリーダーに:世界的諸問題やアクティビズムと言語教育との融合」(May Kyaw Oo氏) 



The role of language educators in promoting awareness of global issues and activism has become increasingly important. By integrating discussions about social justice issues such as gender inequality, racism, and climate change into language classes, educators can help students develop critical thinking and engage in active citizenship. Such discussions can empower students to make informed decisions and take action to create a more equitable and sustainable world.

In this presentation, I will explore activities and project ideas which I introduced to my learners which aim to promote critical thinking and activism. Drawing on feminist and engaged pedagogy, I will reflect on how these activities impacted or encouraged students and myself  to reflect on global issues and take positive actions in their communities. Through a focus on social justice issues, language teachers can help students understand the importance of activism and inspire them to become agents of change in their local and global communities.



May Kyaw Oo is originally from Myanmar. She is currently serving as an assistant professor at Nagasaki University. May has earned two Master's degrees, including an M.A. in English literature from Assumption University in Thailand and an M.A. in TESOL from the University of Exeter, UK. She is interested and passionate about equity, inclusion, and social justice issues within the TESOL field and the wider context. May is an active member of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT), serving as publicity chair for Global Issues in Language Education SIG and as the Deputy Chair of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee.



Lecture 1 to be delivered in Japanese; Lecture 2 in English (no Japanese translation)

主催者:石原紀子(法政大学 経営学部教授/言語・文化センター所属)
Hosted by: Prof. Noriko Ishihara (Hosei University, Center for Language and Culture)

お問合せ先:言語・文化センター <gkokusai@ml.hosei.ac.jp>

Contact the Center for Language and Culture  <gkokusai@ml.hosei.ac.jp>


参加費無料・事前申し込み要 Free-of-Charge, Registration Reqired

申し込みは Registration こちらから  


The Zoom link will be shared upon registration.

Participation in Lecture 1 or 2, or both is welcome.

法政大学市ヶ谷キャンパスへのアクセス Access to Hosei University (Ichigaya campus)

https://www.hosei.ac.jp/ichigaya/access/ (日本語)

https://www.hosei.ac.jp/english/about/maps/access/ichigaya/ (English)

法政大学キャンパスマップ(市ヶ谷)  Ichigaya campus map

https://www.hosei.ac.jp/ichigaya/gaiyo/map/ (日本語)

https://www.hosei.ac.jp/english/about/maps/campus/ichigaya/ (English)